Let’s Build Bridges

Holding the space for acceptance and respect for ourselves and others can be hard at first. Even if you struggle, keep pushing yourself. It is okay to be a work in progress as long as you continue working forward. “Acceptance often requires ongoing work and conscious effort,” says Nicole Arzt, a marriage and family therapist. “We need to remind ourselves that it’s okay not to accept something right away—sometimes we just need to feel our anger or sadness or fear first”. 

When we learn to accept ourselves and those around us, it betters our collective quality of life and allows inner peace to become a pillar of our everyday mindset. 

If you or someone you love is struggling with acceptance, you’re not alone.

For more information, contact us or call 210.384.1254.

Click here for more on our adult counseling services.


Embracing Differences


Celebrating Our Differences