Navigating Anxiety Around the Holidays: Holiday Parties Aren’t for Everyone

This time of the year can be difficult for those with social anxiety. The holidays are when you get invitations to family gatherings, friends' holiday parties, work parties, and more. While some of these invitations may be welcomed, others may leave you feeling overwhelmed and anxious. It can make the holidays a stressful and daunting experience. But, there are ways to still go out and enjoy the holiday season without feeling overwhelmed.

It's Okay to Feel Anxious

If you're feeling overwhelmed or anxious about the holidays due to social anxiety, it's important to remember that it's okay to feel this way. Anxiety affects 19% of the population and can make it difficult to engage in social situations. This doesn't mean you can't enjoy the holidays. But, it means that you may be more strategic about the events that you attend. Or, how long you stay at the event.

You Don't Have to Go to Every Event

Shows family members holding hands in front of a Christmas tree. Represents how a social anxiety therapist in San Antonio, TX will support you not going to every even but only the ones you want.

Being invited to events can feel like an obligation, especially during the holidays when so many social events are taking place. However, you don't have to go to all the events you're invited to. You can choose to go to the ones you want and decline the others. This can look like considering how many people will be at each event along with how well you know them. This will reduce your anxiety by allowing you to attend events that are comfortable for you.

Take Small Steps

A good way to ease into the holiday season is by taking small steps. This may seem like a daunting task in the beginning, but it will help you build up your confidence. Start by only attending one event this year and then start building up from there. You can start with events that you know will be comfortable for you and then gradually increase the number of people or the length of time that you spend at each event. You can also go to multiple events but work on how long you stay at each one.

You Don't Even Have to Go Anywhere

Shows a woman and her daughter cuddling and wearing Santa hats. Represents how a social anxiety therapist in san antonio, tx will support you celebrating the holidays with social anxiety.

If any of these events don't sound like your type of merriment, you don't have to go to any of them. You can still engage in the holiday season by hosting your own gathering with close friends or family members. This way you know everyone at the event but it's also in a comfortable environment. Or, you can spend time with family and friends at home by watching your favorite holiday movies. Social anxiety doesn't have to be a barrier to participating in the holidays.

Tips for Coping With Social Anxiety

When struggling with social anxiety, it can seem like the holidays will be too overwhelming. But there are ways to cope with your anxiety and still enjoy the holidays. Whether that's at a holiday event or even just at home.

Bring Someone You Know

When considering going to one of the many events you've been invited to, consider bringing someone you know and that you're comfortable with. This could be your friend or family member. This can help you feel grounded but also give you the support you need to be able to attend the event. Plus, it's always nice to have at least one other person there with you.

Have an Exit Plan

Shows a woman laying on her bed using a laptop. Represents how social anxiety treatment in San Antonio, TX can help you cope with your social anxiety.

When you're overwhelmed at an event, it's important to have an exit plan. This way you can leave if needed. This could be having a friend or family member text to come to get you or having a quieter place to go to. For example, if you're staying with your family and they are hosting a party, have a room or area that you can retreat to if it gets too overwhelming. This will help reduce your anxiety as you will not feel obligated to stay the entire time.

CBT Triangle

CBT stands for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. The CBT Triangle is a technique used in CBT therapy to help reduce anxiety. It helps you to identify your thoughts and feelings surrounding your social anxiety and the events causing it. You can use this before or after attending the event. You identify the situation, your thoughts, and feelings about it, and then how to challenge those thoughts in a more positive way. This will help you to better manage your social anxiety and become more comfortable in any situation.

Take Small Steps

You don't have to dive right into the holidays and all the events that come with them. Taking small steps can help to reduce your anxiety when attending these events. It could start off with you beginning a small conversation with someone at the party and then moving on. Or, you can start off by just attending the event for 20 minutes to start and then gradually increase the amount of time you stay. This will help build up your confidence and also allow you to enjoy yourself more.

Start Social Anxiety Treatment in San Antonio, TX

At Monarch Behavioral Health, our therapists understand that having social anxiety can be a challenge, especially during the holidays. You just want to be able to enjoy the season but it can feel too overwhelming. We are here to support you and help you celebrate the holiday season. If you’re interested in beginning social anxiety treatment, you can follow these steps:

  1. Contact our therapy office and learn more about our services

  2. Meet with one of our anxiety therapists

  3. Begin taking small steps to reduce your social anxiety! For more information, contact us or call 210.384.1254.


Happy Holidays!


Goals for the New Year