On Average…

According to a study  published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, forming a new habit takes an average of 66 days! Although there's no true hard-and-fast time frame (since the length of time it takes to break a habit can depend on a lot of highly personal factors) you can use this number as a guide when setting up your new routine. Once fully formed, your new habit will be automatic!

If you are looking for support with habit forming, we can help. 

Click here for more information on adult therapy.

For more information, contact us or call 210.384.1254.

#habitforming #changinghabits #brainfacts

 @monarchbehavioral_tx#monarchbehavioral_tx #anxietyawareness#understandinganxiety #anxietysupport #childpsychology #pediatricpsychology #parenting101 #parentingtherapy


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