Supporting 2e CHildren

For 2e students, both physical space management and workload organization can be difficult. Parents act as a vital link between the home and the school. Traditional classroom environments frequently do not work for 2e students, necessitating classroom changes by teachers. Here’s how you can offer support: 

If you are looking to have your child tested for a 2e diagnosis, we can help.

Click here for more information on psychological testing.

For more information, contact us or call 210.384.1254.   

#2e #2eDiagnosis #2eTesting #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth #ChildTherapy @monarchbehavioral_tx#monarchbehavioral_tx  #anxietyawareness#understandinganxiety #anxietysupport #childpsychology


Mental Health and Pregnancy: Infertility and Postpartum Depression


What is 2e?