Telehealth Psychological Evaluations

At home, & here to help virtually. For me, it has taken a bit to regulate to this abnormal situation. For the most part, I conduct psychological assessments. I’ve been monitoring APA, Texas Psychological Association, Pearson, PAR, etc. etc. for guidance and how to proceed. Although there are some assessments that we have not yet figured out remotely, professionals are actively are working on creating an ethical and appropriate method of conducting evaluations.
With guidance and networking with other professionals, there is still much that can be done. .
I have been able to conduct evaluations with adults and adolescents fairly easily, especially now with approval to conduct the WISC-V completely through telehealth. Solutions continue to be sought for little ones… and we are working on it! 
I am conducting assessments via telehealth (intake, evaluation – as appropriate, and feedback session). I see individuals of all ages, and recently have had more adults reach out since there is flexibility with schedules.
I’m also offering parent coaching and teletherapy sessions addressing a variety of concerns. I offer assistance to parents who need to implement their child’s 504 or IEP at home.

For more information, contact us or call 210.384.1254



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Psychological evaluation services offered


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