The S.T.O.P. Method

Mindfulness can be tricky. If you or your child is struggling with mindfulness, try using the S.T.O.P method: 

S - Stop what you are doing completely.

T- Take a deep breath. Give yourself a minute to sit there and breathe until you have calmed yourself down. 

O- Observe your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Reflect on what is going on in your mind and then on what is going on around you. 

P-Proceed with a supportive action. Maybe you need to talk it out with a friend, maybe you need some fresh air. Be kind to yourself, and know that whatever you were working on will get done, but that you deserve a minute to reset. 

Have you tried using the S.T.O.P method before? What worked well? What did you struggle with? Tell us in the comments below. 


For more information, contact us or call 210.384.1254.

Click here for more information on anxiety treatment.

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