Trans Day of Visibility - Coming Out and Talking to Parents

Hands hold a rainbow heart as the sun shines through the heart. Learn more about LGBTQ counseling in San Antonio, TX by contacting an LGBTQ therapist in San Antonio, TX. We offer online LGBTQ therapy in San Antonio, TX and other services. 78258

Every year on March 31, the LGBTQ community celebrates Transgender Day of Visibility. Transgender Day of Visibility is a chance to honor transgender people and their accomplishments. Transgender individuals stand up and show up, expressing the beauty of their existence. Coming out as LGBTQ is difficult. But throw being transgender in and there are extra layers to consider. If you are considering coming out, there are many things to think about before you do so.

Coming out is Empowering!

Coming out can be a very empowering experience. The common way of framing it is that it is scary and you are facing rejection. But, in actuality, you are owning a piece of yourself you haven’t been open about before. Coming out can help you navigate prior mental health issues related to being in the closet. Thus, leading to a happier, more fulfilled life!

3 tips on coming out as transgender to your parents

A person holds a symbol depicting multiple genders. This could represent the understanding and support a LGBT therapist in San Antonio, TX can offer. Learn more about online LGBTQ therapy in San Antonio, TX and LGBTQIA therapy in San Antonio, TX

Are you considering coming out to your parents? If so, here are three things to consider as you navigate having this conversation with them.

Practice Self Care Before and Especially After

You may feel worried that coming out may not go well. If so, be sure to practice intentional self-care beforehand and have a plan for after. It is better to have a plan in place to take care of your mental health if things go worse than it is to not have a plan and wish you had one! Self-care looks different for each person. For some, it might be a bubble bath with a fancy latte, and for others, it might be an intense workout. Whatever self-care looks like for you, be sure to use your best coping strategies before and after talking to your parents!

Give Them Resources so They can Learn

There are many resources out there for parents of transgender kids. It is a Facebook group or the PFLAG website. Regardless, giving your parents resources can go a long way in helping them understand where you are coming from and your experience. We hope all parents will be immediately on board. But, the fact is some parents will need some time to process this revelation.

Give Them Time to Process

It is important to give your parents time to process when you come out. While your feelings are very important, their feelings are valid as well. So, they deserve to have space and time to process them in a safe manner. If they tend to vent to you or pull you into their feelings, it is ok to set healthy boundaries. Especially while they are processing this information.

A person wears a trans flag like a cape. This could represent the confidence an LGBTQ therapist in San Antonio, TX can help cultivate. Learn more about LGBTQIA therapy in San Antonio, TX & other services including online LGBTQ therapy in San Antonio.

Seek LGBTQ Inclusive Counseling in San Antonio, TX

Transgender day of visibility is a great day to celebrate your identity, even if those in your life aren’t celebrating with you. You are valid and deserve to take up space and set the boundaries you need to maintain your health. Seeking LGBTQ affirming counseling is a great next step for after you come out. Coming out can bring up big feelings and therapy helps you process them in a safe way.

Begin LGBTQ Counseling In San Antonio, TX

Coming out is a unique experience for everyone. Regardless of your experience, you deserve support in navigating this personal time. Our team of caring therapists would be happy to offer support from our San Antonio, TX-based therapy practice. To start your counseling journey, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact our therapy office

  2. Meet with a caring therapist

  3. Start better understanding your unique identity! For more information, contact us or call 210.384.1254.


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