Understanding Socialization

**FEATURED WRITER***** @monarchbehavioral_tx Eric Tran, LPC-Assocaite

With ever-changing technology, some may fear that our children may be exposed to things we would rather them not be, as well as fear that they may be avoiding the real world. Since the pandemic, some of us are seeing much of the time that used to be spent in school, seeing friends and socializing with others- is now spent online. 

During the pandemic, many children felt isolated. Spending time online was also a way to spend time with friends. Playing video games and chatting online was the only time they could talk to their friends in a group since many were no longer in in-person classes or activities. Online play and activity can also provide learning opportunities and ways to express their creativity.

That’s not to say you should allow unlimited access (parental controls can come in handy). It's still  important to have honest conversations about the dangers of online activity. It's also important to show your children trust and to engage with them about the kinds of activities they pursue online. It can be scary to think that your kids might be doing something you don’t understand— open communication can go a long way. You might be surprised by what you learn.

If you’re struggling with online boundaries or communication with your child, we can help.  Interested in working with Eric? 

Click here for more information on our counseling services.

For more information, contact us or call 210.384.1254. 

#Socializing #Videogames #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth #ChildTherapy @monarchbehavioral_tx#monarchbehavioral_tx  #anxietyawareness#understandinganxiety #anxietysupport #child psychology


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