What is Autism Therapy? And What Should You Expect?

You may have been wondering what Autism Therapy is. This could be in the interest of yourself or of a loved one. There is a lot of information out there and it can be difficult to wade through everything. This blog is here to provide you with some clarity. 

Autism Therapy

Autism therapy is a way to support individuals with autism. This is done by supporting individuals with autism in navigating their emotions, behaviors, and relationships. This can look like helping them prepare themselves for a job interview, supporting them through relationship issues, or teaching them how to cope with their emotions.

Autism Therapy at Monarch Behavioral Health

Shows a person holding a graduation cap. Represents how autism therapy in San Antonio, tx can help you reach milestones

When you hear "Autism Therapy"  it might make you think of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). Which has the goal of "treating" autism or helping mask the symptoms. However, here at Monarch Behavioral Health, our skilled team of therapists work with children and adults with autism to support them living in a neurotypical world. We do not "treat" autism, but rather support individuals with autism. By doing this, our goal is to support individuals with autism to live authentically and independently.  This is why during our Autism Therapy we focus on empowering our clients to achieve their goals. Whether this is a goal they thought they would never achieve, like having a job or other life milestones.

Supporting Individuals with Autism

By supporting individuals with autism rather than trying to "treat" them, we are normalizing the idea that neurodiversity is okay. That it's okay to be different. And that everyone has their own unique strengths and weaknesses. It also helps to get rid of the stereotypes and assumptions that people with autism are "broken" and need to be "fixed". This helps to create a more inclusive society for everyone.

Communication is Key

Shows a woman holding a phone and waving. Represents how autism therapy in San Antonio, tx promotes communication

When starting autism therapy, communication is key. Having good communication between the client and therapist is crucial to know exactly what the client is wanting to work on and what they want to get out of the situation. For example, if they are wanting to work on a relationship issue, the therapist would need to know what the client's goal is for that issue. This helps to make sure that both the therapist and client are on the same page but also to know where the client is needing the most support.

Supporting with Coping and Managing Big Emotions

One part of autism therapy is the therapist will help the individual with coping with and managing their big emotions. Individuals with autism sometimes struggle with this because they might not have the coping skills or ability to understand and manage their emotions. So, their therapist will help them navigate these emotions by teaching them specific skills.

DBT Skills to Help with Autism Therapy

Shows a person in therapy. Represents how autism therapy in San Antonio, tx will help you manage your emotions

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is one approach that has skills that are beneficial for individuals with autism. The therapist will teach the individual these skills so they can use them in their everyday life to help cope with and manage their emotions.

 For example, one DBT skill is called "Distress Tolerance". This skill will help to teach the individual how to manage a crisis by distracting themself. This can help to prevent them from making rash decisions and give them time to process their emotions. This way they will have time to calm down and think about the situation more clearly.

 Autism therapy may seem daunting at first, but here at Monarch Behavioral Health, we are here to support you every step of the way. We understand that everyone is different and that includes individuals with autism. We want to help you achieve your goals and live the life you want to live. And by supporting you, rather than "treating" you, we can help you do just that.

Start Working with an Autism Therapist in San Antonio, TX

At Monarch Behavioral Health, our autism services focus on neurodiversity. This is why we believe in supporting individuals with autism rather than treating them or having them mask their symptoms. Our team knows how important working with a counselor that has experience with people on the spectrum is when wanting to start therapy or seeking a diagnosis if you believe you may be neurodiverse. This is why our specialized therapists are passionate about working with individuals of all ages on the autism spectrum in San Antonio, TX. If you're interested in starting autism therapy, please contact us today. We offer services for children, adolescents


If you are seeking understanding and support, you can follow these steps:

  1. Contact our therapy office and learn more about our services

  2. Meet with one of our therapists

  3. Start neurodiversity-informed therapy in San Antonio, TX, or online! For more information, contact us or call 210.384.1254.

Other Therapy Services Offered at Monarch Behavioral Health

Our therapists at Monarch Behavioral Health in Texas understands that being neurodiverse can come with challenges. Maybe you're struggling with anxiety due to society and the pressure to "fit in". Or, you're struggling with depression because you feel like your goals are out of reach. We want you to know that you are not alone and that we can help. Our therapists also offer therapy for children, teens, and adults of all ages. If you or a member of your family have any questions, feel welcome to reach out to our office.


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