ADHD Diagnosis

Receiving an ADHD diagnosis can be both relieving and confusing. On the one hand, there’s an explanation for what you’ve been going through and on the other hand, you might not know what ADHD really means or what you can do to help it.

Be rest assured that there are therapeutic treatments as well as medication options available to help ease the pains of ADHD. Here’s where you can start: 

  • Research ADHD, what is means, and what affects it can have on your daily life

  • Work to understand what your specific struggles and challenges are

  • Consider discussing treatment options with a therapist 

  • Work to implement systems in your life that help reduce to effects of ADHD

Remember that a diagnosis is not an overnight fix to the issue and that it may take time before you see progress.  If you or your child is struggling with ADHD, we can help.

Click here for more information on psychological testing.

For more information, contact us or call 210.384.1254.   

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Understanding ADHD


Play Therapy As An Alternative