3 Tips from a Child Therapist for Helping Your Child Cope With Anxiety

It can be difficult to watch as your child struggles with anxiety. As a parent, you want to do everything you can to help them, but it can be hard to know how. You just know that you would do anything to support them and help them feel better. In this blog post, we'll share three tips from a child therapist that can help you support your anxious child.

Be Mindful in How You Are Respond to Your Child's Anxiety

Shows a mother comforting her child. Represents how an child anxiety therapist in san antonio, tx can help you support your child

As a parent to a child with anxiety, I'm sure you know that it can be difficult to not react in a way that makes the situation worse. Their anxiety may trigger your own or make you feel powerless. It's important to be mindful of how you respond to your child's anxiety so that you don't accidentally make the situation worse. For example, if your child is having a panic attack, try to remain calm and reassuring. Show them that you understand how they're feeling without downplaying their experience or getting upset due to your own anxiety.

 One way to do this is to keep a cool and calm demeanor, which will help your child feel more relaxed. It can be difficult in the moment, but it will help your child feel more secure if they see that you're not worried. A way to make sure you're able to do this is to take care of your own anxiety first. Make sure you're prioritizing your mental health so that you can be there for your child and help them navigate through their anxiety.

Learn How to Recognize the Signs of Anxiety in Your Child

Anxiety presents differently from person to person, but that's especially true for children. It can be difficult to know how to support your child if you're not sure what their anxiety looks like.

 Anxiety in children may look like this:

Shows a child struggling with anxiety. Represents how a child therapist in San Antonio, TX will help your child navigate their anxiety symptoms
  • refusing to go to school or participate in activities

  • clinginess and separation anxiety

  • irritability or moodiness

  • physical symptoms like headaches or stomachaches

  • trouble sleeping

 These are just some of the ways that anxiety may present in children. However, if you notice your child becoming irritable or having trouble separating from you, this may be a sign that they're experiencing anxiety. Once you recognize their signs and symptoms, you can start to look for ways to help them cope.

Recognizing What Regulates and Soothes Your Child

As their parent, you know your child best.  This means that you're also in the best position to know what soothes and calms them down. It may be something as simple as a long hug, cuddling on the couch, or reading their favorite book together. These are simple actions that can make a big difference for your child. One way to help ease your child's anxiety is to take some time in each day just for them. Or otherwise known as a "Time In". This could be five to ten minutes where you do whatever they want to do, whether it's playing, watching their favorite show, or just talking. This time is just for them and helps your child feel loved and supported.

Shows a parent showing his daughter affection. Represents how a child anxiety therapist in San Antonio, TX can help you recognize what soothes your child

It gives them the quality one-on-one time they need to feel safe, supported, and understood. This can be great in situations, like new siblings, and for travel anxiety. When traveling, there is a lot of chaos and uncertainty that can trigger anxiety. But, if you take time to help your child regulate, they'll be better equipped to handle the anxiety-provoking situation. Plus, taking a "Time In" while traveling can be a great bonding experience for you and your child.

Start Working with a Child Therapist or a Parent Coach in San Antonio, TX

At Monarch Behavioral Health, we understand the challenges that come with parenting a child with anxiety. We offer both parent coaching and child therapy to help you and your family have the support you need to navigate through anxiety. If you’re interested in beginning therapy or coaching, you can follow these steps:

  1. Contact our therapy office and learn more about our services

  2. Meet with one of our caring therapists

  3. Begin supporting your child through their anxiety treatment. For more information, contact us or call 210.384.1254.

Other Therapy Services Offered at Monarch Behavioral Health

Our team at Monarch Behavioral Health in Texas understands that anxiety or stress may not be the only struggles you are dealing with. Maybe you're struggling with depression because you feel you're struggling as a parent. Or, you're struggling with the adjustment of becoming a new parent. No matter what you're struggling with, our team is here to help. Our San Antonio therapists also offer therapy for children,  teens, and adults of all ages. If you have questions about how we can help you or a member of your family, please feel welcome to reach out and ask!


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Taking Time In