Changing Habits

Habit changing can be extremely difficult. The human brain craves comfort and safety, and while it is important to have those things in our lives, that craving can stop us from making healthy choices for ourselves. 

Understanding the three R’s, can help you transform your habits: 

  1. Reminder: when you are first triggered to perform a poor habit, ask yourself why you want to do that specific action. Write down how you are feeling. For example, eating junk food may make you feel comfort, or perhaps to cure boredom? 

  2. Next, consciously choose to do something else, preferably something healthier. For example, if you truly are hungry instead of junk food maybe you grab a square of chocolate and then some carrots or an apple to tie you over to your next meal.. If you're not actually hungry, maybe redirect yourself outside for some fresh air. 

  3. Lastly, you’ll want to reinforce the positive behavior with a reward. Once you’ve hit your goal, maybe you purchase a new book you've had your eye on, or some ingredients at the store for a fancier meal. 

What habits are you looking to change this year? How is it going so far? 

Tell us in the comments below!

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Tips for Changing Unhealthy Habits


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