Explaining Peer Pressure

One of our biggest fears as parents is that our children will be peer pressured into making unhealthy or unsafe choices.  An adolescent’s brain is not fully equipped to fully use . It's important to know that our teens’  have extra unconnected synapses in the area where risk-assessment techniques occur and this gets in the way of judgement.

Discussing peer pressure with your adolescent early on is important.  Remember to talk to your child about peer pressure early on. Let them know that you are a safe space for them to talk to you if something comes up that goes wrong. You can use this image to start the conversation.

  1. Be sure to use relatable examples 

  2. Talk about gut instincts and when they should listen to them. 

  3. Teach them to say no, and to be firm. 

If your child is dealing with the overwhelming power that is peer pressure or showing poor judgement, we can help!

For more information, contact us or call 210.384.1254.

Click here for more information on teen therapy services.


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