What To Do If A Friendship Is Shifting

Even the longest lasting friendships start to shift and change over time. Sometimes something happens and sometimes people just grow apart. No matter what the reason, these types of shifts can be painful. Here are 5 things to do when you start to notice a significant shift in a friendship. 

  1. Assess the Situation: What is it that you think is driving you apart? Is it something you want to work on together?

  2. Assess It’s Value: The truth is, not every friend holds value for our entire lives. You need to look at the friendship and evaluate what you each bring to each other’s lives. 

  3. Prompt a Discussion: Once you have decided whether or not this is a friendship you would like to continue, you might consider reaching out to this friend to have heart to heart. 

  4. Be Intentional: Be sure that your goals are centered around either finding a solution together, or to provide a rational explanation as to why this friendship is no longer working for you. Be kind with your words, the intention should not be to hurt anyone’s feelings. 

  5. Process The Outcome: This one may take a little time, but it will get easier. If you are someone who’s struggling to deal with a shifting friendship, you’re not alone.

    For more information, contact us or call 210.384.1254.

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How to Cope With Changes In Friendship