Happiness part 2

Here are three of ten set points & how you can build these into a typical routine:⠀
Why it Matters & How to develop it:⠀
Gratitude: take time to appreciate little things (cake!). Although there are many milestone moments (and some we miss out on for reasons beyond our control), we can appreciate smaller experiences. Attend to the things happening around you, make a conscious effort – keep a gratitude journal & write about who and what you appreciate – this can train your brain to focus on the positive in your day-to-day experiences.⠀
Social Connections: developing meaningful bonds with others is critical for happiness. Although the pandemic may prove this part difficult – we have video chat – and actual human encounters elicit more happiness. ⠀
Sleep: We are more emotionally reactive to negative stimuli when we are sleep deprived. When we get enough sleep, we are able to react more rationally and process our feelings more effectively. Assess your rest – Can you fall asleep at 10 or 11am? Can you function without caffeine before noon? If you answered no, try regulating your sleep by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day… even weekends!⠀
Check out this weeks posts to see why these matter & how to develop them!⠀
If you are in need of help looking at something from another perspective – reach out, someone is here to listen.

For more information, contact us or call 210.384.1254.

Click here for more information on Depression Treatment.


Happiness Part 3

