How to Support Children and Teens Dealing with Grief

Dealing with grief can be especially challenging for young ones. Here are some ways to provide support:

  1. Encourage open conversations about their feelings and thoughts. 🗣️

  2. Provide age-appropriate information about loss and grief. 📚

  3. Keep consistent routines to provide stability and comfort. ⏰

  4. Offer creative outlets like drawing or journaling for emotional expression. 🎨

  5. Practice patience and understanding as they navigate their unique grieving process. 💙

  6. Seek professional support from compassionate counselors if needed. 🌻

At Monarch Behavioral Health, we offer child grief counseling and support to help your loved ones cope and heal. Reach out to us for guidance and care. 💫

#monarchbehavioral_tx #childgrief #support #mentalhealth #griefcounseling


Grieving During Summer Break


Don't let Summertime SADness dim your sunshine!