Importance of Routine

What I love about routines…

Helps people stay consistent and motivated. Once started, it usually is completed so adding another task into the mix isn’t so difficult.

Help me ensure I take care of myself (still a work in progress)

Provide structure & security. When something changes in our routine, we feel off and/or disappointed.

Helpful even on vacations & staycations. .

Help with decision fatigue – decisions are endless & mostly subconscious. A routine alleviates with decision making because we have created a habit to follow. (i.e. homework, when your child can have juice, when a parent exercises..)

Builds progress.. sometimes (unrealistic) expectations (completing a project all at once) just doesn’t happen. Using adding 15 minutes to your daily routine to work on the task will help you finish up the project.

The great thing is a routine can change habits & often improve quality of life.

Building a habit or routine is not easy or quick. It takes time and persistence. Even when it doesn’t work out the first (or 2nd or 3rd) time, keep trying.

You can create a routine of anything – self-care, bedtime, dinner time, reading, using a planner.. etc.

Start the day off strong with your routine. What types of things do you want to INTENTIONALLY accomplish each day with your routine?

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