It’s Okay to Ask For Help

“‘With great power comes great responsibility.’ Spiderman is my favorite superhero because he is so intelligent, but unlike other superheroes with resources, such as Batman or Iron Man, he is trying to balance his life as Peter Parker and honor his responsibilities as Spiderman” says Eric Tran, LPC- Associate. “Comics and superhero movies are enjoyable because of the struggles we get to  see the characters go through. (Even when we do not recognize these  struggles within ourselves.”

“Peter Parker struggled with having enough resources, Batman struggled with being an orphan and isolated and Iron Man struggled with alcoholism—and all superheroes struggle with wanting to do the right thing and making difficult choices. As a result of the choices that they made, Spiderman lost Mary Jane. Batman has had his succession of Robins. Iron Man had to live with creating Ultron….

So what responsibilities do we take? What struggles are we not being honest about? How often do we see ourselves as superheroes tasked with fixing the problems of the people around us, (without then taking care of ourselves)? We sometimes see what we are capable of, and don't want to let down the people around us. We may believe that if we do not do it, then nobody will. So, we task ourselves with doing everything that we can. 

But when we overtent ourselves, whether it be for other people, or even ourselves- we are often left feeling empty and burnt out. It’s important to be self-aware and to take the time to fully recover after giving someone or something, out 100%. We see the battles that superheroes go through, but we do not  often see the recovery time. And at some point, they come across a battle that is too great for them to handle on their own, where  they need to ask for help, but they don't, which ultimately  leads them to fail.

So, how often can we admit when we are overwhelmed? How much easier would tasks be if we chose to do them with other people, instead doing everything on our own?  And can we admit that maybe a part of what makes superheroes so entertaining, is the fact that maybe we see ourselves in them?” 

Interested in working with Eric?

Click here for more information on our counseling services.

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