Tear-Free Separation Tips

Separation can be difficult for the child and the parent. Maybe it’s your child’s first day at school or daycare... .
Build excitement about the first day back - maybe meet classmates beforehand so that your child sees familiar faces. .
Review the schedule- tell your child about the activities of the day ... “I’ll drop you off, you will have free play, then story time...”
Create a goodbye routine - kisses, hugs, and words of encouragement.... “I can’t wait to hear about your day”
Resist long goodbyes - the longer you stay, the more difficult leaving can become for you and your child. After the routine head out!
Reunite - after the day, talk about the positives. “What was the best part of your day?”
If your child experiences anxiety upon separation that doesn’t seem to go away, reach out to us for a consultation. Therapy may be just what your child needs for getting past this hurdle.
Our team is here for you! Call us today, 210-384-1254.

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