Parenting Tips - Snack & Meal Time Independence

  • Create a snack zone stocked with pre-approved foods in the pantry and frig.

  • Arrange snacks on a shelf within your child's reach

  • Pre-fill sippy/cups & place them in the frig for easy access.

  • Make utensils, cups, plates, etc. easy to find and accessible (kid friendly of course).

  • You can even leave child appropriate clean up items accessible (spray bottle with water and a towel for crumbs).

  • Practice these skills together & help them master these tasks before leaving allowing for complete independence

  • Maybe this is something you do together or monitor while you make your snack. Allowing children to help with daily life tasks encourage independent skills & earlier mastery of these skills.

    My daughter helps write the grocery list, it’s one of her responsibilities and it helps me, mostly because she will know exactly which favorite foods are are running out of.
    Is there a life skill/task in your home that your child helps out with?

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