Self- Care For Clinicians

Self care is critical for managing our own wellbeing and no one knows that better than clinicians. After spending the majority of our days helping clients learn how to best take care of themselves- it’s important that we  also make self-care a top priority. 

Many psychotherapists know that they have a limit on how much of other people’s sadness, suffering, and energy they can take on before needing to step back and recharge.  Some are still learning how to navigate that and that’s okay too. 

It’s important to recognize that you deserve to take time for yourself, especially as a clinician because when you’re stressed or tired, you have even less bandwidth to provide to your clients.

Check out these 3 ways you can practice self-care as a clinician

Check In With Yourself Regularly

Remember to ask yourself these essential questions: Are you working too much? How are you feeling? What would you like to do less or more of? Reflect and adjust accordingly.

Schedule Self- Care Into Your Calendar 

Carve out one or two hours a week  in your calendar to use strictly for self-care.
Stick to this schedule as much as possible and use the time to recharge how-ever you see fit. Scheduling self-care ahead of time can help ensure it actually gets done. 

Sneak In Self Care Wherever You Can 

We all know that clinicians don’t typically have huge chunks of time ready to be filled with self-care. However you can still fit in little moments of relaxation if you actively work to do so. Something as simple as taking 3 minutes to close your eyes and meditate, can do wonders for stress reduction.

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For more information, contact us or call 210.384.1254.


International Women’s Day


How To Practice Self-Care