The Trevor Project

The Trevor Project is an American nonprofit organization founded in 1998. It focuses on suicide prevention efforts among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning youth. Through a toll-free telephone number, it operates The Trevor Lifeline, a confidential service that offers trained counselors.

It is critical to recognize that LGBTQ+ kids are at risk of suicide not because of their sexual orientation or gender identity, but rather because of how they are mistreated and humiliated in society. Suicide is the second highest cause of dealth among young people aged 10 to 24 (Hedegaard, Curtin, & Warner, 2018), and LGBTQ+ youth are at much higher risk. The Trevor Project is the world's largest LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning) youth suicide prevention and crisis response organization.

Here are 7 things you can do to support LGBTQ+ persons in your life, whether you are an ally or LGBTQ+ yourself:

  • Provide a safe-space for open conversation about what they might be feeling or going through

  • Stand up against homophobia and help end stigma

  • Volunteer as an adviser

  • Educate yourself regularly about developments in the community

  • List your pronouns ( if you feel comfortable doing so) and respect the pronouns of others

  • Create unisex facilities whenever possible

  • Review and look to update policies for LGBTQ+ inclusion in your place of work, clubs, gyms etc..

If you are LQBTQ+ and are struggling, we can help. We offer LGBTQ+ Affirming Counseling and more.

For more information, contact us or call 210.384.1254.

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