Autism: Diagnosis Vs. Identity?

You read another blog post and found yourself nodding along. Perhaps, you relate to every experience the author wrote about. You listened to a podcast and had an “oh wow” reaction. Then, you wondered if your experience of the world is that different from most people's.

A graphic of colorful profile of a person among a crowd of other profiles. Autism testing in San Antonio, TX can help you better understand your mind. Contact an autism therapist in San Antonio, TX to learn more about autism test for adults. 78258

The question “do I have autism?” is asked by so many adults and young people. Many have read blog posts or heard first-hand stories of someone who wasn’t diagnosed until they were a teen or adult. Some people are self-identifying as autistic. But, there is value in having a formal diagnosis. Doing so can help you move forward. Together, you can receive the treatment and accommodations you deserve.

Is Autism an identity?

The short answer is no. Some people identify as autistic without a diagnosis. But, it is only speculation on the part of the individual. Therapists like myself receive years of training to identify when autism traits affect your life enough to merit a diagnosis. Autism is also not a disability. Many people see their autism as a difference in the way their brain works. This is a powerful way to look at an autism diagnosis. It takes away the stigma of having a disability and empowers one to embrace the way their brain works. It falls under the formal category of disability in some regards. Think of it as a way to receive the support you need, and help; not a stigma.

I think I may have Adult Autism. . . What now?

If you think you might have adult autism, consider self-referring yourself to get an autism test for adults in San Antonio, TX. Every person is unique, and so are my testing methodologies. I believe there is power in having a formal diagnosis. Autism testing opens the doors to accommodations and support in navigating life as an autistic person. Seeking a formal diagnosis and finding out you don’t qualify does not mean that you don’t have struggles beyond what a neurotypical person might have. In fact, you might have a different condition that is like autism, such as ADHD, anxiety, or OCD. Also, autism spectrum disorder is only that, a spectrum. This means that you may not fit enough criteria to have a diagnosis. But, you might be experiencing some symptoms of autism.

Hands cradle a heart made out of puzzle pieces. This could represent the support autism testing in San Antonio, TX can offer. Learn more about our autism spectrum test in San Antonio, TX by contacting an autism therapist in San Antonio, TX. 78258

What else could it be?

There are many things that what you assume to be autism could be, and all have different treatments. There is a chance you have ADHD or a mood disorder, both of which get treated in different ways from autism.

Bipolar Vs Autism

There are some symptoms of bipolar which overlap with those of autism. Some of these symptoms include:

  • Frequent episodes of elevated mood

  • High irritability

  • Excessive activity

  • Disturbed sleep

  • Repetitive behavior

  • Distractibility and impulsivity

  • Sometimes bipolar and ASD can present in individuals at the same time. But, this is not the case often.

ADHD and Autism

Many symptoms of ADHD also occur in autistic individuals. Some of these are:

  • Fidgeting or trouble settling down

  • Impulsiveness

  • Hyperfocus or extreme focus only on things of interest

  • Social awkwardness

The traits you are believing to be autism may be ADHD. Especially as women tend to be underdiagnosed with both disorders.

What are the diagnostic criteria for Autism?

A person on the beach walks towards a heart made out of puzzle pieces. Contact an autism therapist in San Antonio, TX to learn more about our autism test for adults in san Antonio, TX today! 78258

According to the DSM V, to be diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, one must meet certain criteria. Having some of the criteria might mean you struggle in a neurotypical world. But, it doesn't necessarily mean you have autism. The diagnostic criteria for autism include struggles with social situations, lack of understanding of social cues including gestures and nonverbal communication. And, difficulty with social relationships. To have a formal autism diagnosis one must also have repetitive behaviors. Or, sensory issues. Of course, these all fall along a spectrum. While you may not have a diagnosis of autism, that doesn’t negate the struggles you may face.

Why should I consider getting an Autism diagnosis?

While many times getting a formal diagnosis is difficult, it can be very helpful. A diagnosis from an autism therapist can open doors to workplace accommodations. Plus, as well as services you don’t have access to without a diagnosis. Getting a diagnosis does not mean you are broken or defective. It is only a formal acknowledgment of how your brain works in a different way than other people.

What does Adult Autism testing look like at Monarch?

Do you think you might have adult autism? If so, consider autism testing at Monarch Behavioral Health in San Antonio, TX. Our team of trained psychologists can help you discover if you have autism or another diagnosis. Testing at Monarch is variable depending on the person and their symptoms. It will involve a series of psychological tests and an extensive history. Doing so will help us determine whether you meet the criteria for a formal diagnosis or not.

Begin Autism Testing At Monarch Behavioral Health

You deserve to have a full understanding of if and where you lie on the spectrum. Our team of caring therapists has the training and experience to offer support from our San Antonio, TX-based therapy practice. To start your therapy journey, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact our therapy office

  2. Meet with a caring therapist

  3. Start better understanding your unique mind! For more information, contact us or call 210.384.1254.


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