Social Emotional Development part 2

More on Social-Emotional Experiences....Throughout the toddler years, temper tantrums are quite common. While toddler emotions can be very intense, these feelings also tend to be quite short-lived. Children at this age can be very possessive and have difficulty sharing. Learning to get along with other children is an essential skill, however. In just a few short years, your child will go from spending most of his time with family & close friends to spending a large chunk of his day interacting, learning, & playing with other kids at school.
So how can you help your child learn how to play well with others?
Social competence not only involves the ability to cooperate with peers; it also includes such things as the ability to show empathy, express feelings, and share generously. Fortunately, there are plenty of things that you can do to help your kids develop these all-important social and emotional skills.
Model Appropriate Behaviors - Expressing gratitude, show how to be helpful, and share feelings.
Reinforce Behavior - offer praise when your children demonstrate good social behaviors. Reinforcement not only makes young children feel good about themselves, but it also helps them understand why certain behaviors are desirable and worthy of praise.
Empathy - parents can also boost empathy and build emotional intelligence by encouraging their children to think about how other people feel. Ask about your child's feelings.. "How did you feel when you lost your toy?" Posing questions about emotions helps children think about their actions and how they impact those around them.
Teaching Cooperation - Give your child the opportunity to interact & play with other kids. As children play & interact, they also begin to develop social problem-solving skills such as how to negotiate & compromise with other children.
Our team also provides psychoeducation, developmental evaluations, & parent coaching services that can help you understand your child’s needs and development track.

For more information, contact us or call 210.384.1254

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Emotional Regulation and Self-Regulation


Social and Emotional Development in Children