What is DBT?

Have you heard of DBT? DBT or Dialectical behavior therapy is a type of talk therapy. Originally created as a cognitive-behavioral treatment for those with borderline personality disorder, research now shows that DBT has also been used successfully to treat people experiencing depression, bulimia, binge-eating, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic-stress disorder, and substance abuse.

But how does DBT work?  

DBT is influenced by the philosophical perspective of dialectics (balancing opposites). Your therapist will consistently work with you to find ways to hold two seemingly opposite perspectives at once. This helps promote balance and avoids “black and white” or the “all-or-nothing” styles of thinking. DBT also  promotes a both-and rather than an either-or outlook. The dialectic at the heart of DBT is acceptance and change.

If you're interested in DBT, we can help.

Click here for more information on our counseling services.

 For more information, contact us or call 210.384.1254.   

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