why psychological testing?

  • Provides insight into a person's behavior, personality, development, cognitive abilities, and aptitude.

  • Clients receive knowledge and understanding to manage difficulties and symptoms.

  • Have questions, concerns, or maybe a little apprehension?

  • Situations that may warrant a psychological evaluation: Social withdrawal, Problems are thinking, Decreased functioning, Loss of motivation and desire to participate in familiar tasks.Disconnected feelings. Avoidance. Unexplained rapid or dramatic shifts in emotions.Acting in uncharacteristic ways or displaying peculiar behaviors.Changes in sleep or appetite. Illogical thought patterns that impact daily functioning. Anxiety or paranoia.

  • Psychological tests help the clinician assess the cognitive and emotional functioning of children and adults by using verbal, visual, or written evaluations. Several psychological testing methods assess attributes like personality, mental ability, and neurological functioning.

  • Preparing for an evaluation..

    • An evaluation can include components such as information from historical records, surveys, interviews, medical evaluation, & observational data.

    • Make a list of questions & concerns for the clinician.

    • Be open & forthcoming about any apprehensions about testing & results.

    • Ask how this may benefit you and/or your child.

    • Be comfortable with the clinician that is assessing you and/or your child.

  • A psychological evaluation test gives your treating providers a snapshot of your emotional state, thinking, reasoning, & cognitive function.
    The psychologist will note your mood, behaviors, daily functioning, and social interactions.
    Since mental health issues are often complex, psychological testing has a variety of methods.
    Psychological testing can involve formal questionnaires, checklists, surveys, interviews, and observations to assess a person.
    The type of psych evaluation often depends on the person and what needs to be assessed.
    Our testing environment is comfortable and once testing is complete, your report will provide you with recommendations and resources to assist in your journey.
    Call today at 210-384-1254. Visit us at www.monarchbehavioral.net

Click here for more information on testing services.


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