Parenting tips.. when your child cannot sleep 💤

Parenting tips.. when your child cannot sleep 💤 ... Sometimes it’s distractions to stay up late for fear of missing out… Other times it’s your child’s actual fear of something.

... listen & understand your child's fears. avoid being dismissive and making light of the fear.

... Create reassurance and communicate "you are safe"

... Teach coping skills - "be brave" and other positive thoughts. Read stories about other kids (or characters) that are afraid Bye Bye Bad Dreams, There's a Nightmare in My Closet, How to Knock Out Nightmares

... Have fun in the dark. Play flashlight tag, hunt for glow-in-the-dark items.

.... Use your imagination to fight imaginary fears. Have your child actively involved in solutions to help gain a sense of control.

.... Nightlights are helpful as long as they do not prevent your child from sleeping.

.. Avoid scary programs, videos, & stories that will add to fears.

... Teach relaxation training to help your child fall asleep. Imagine a relaxing scene to think about while lying in bed to distract from fears.

.. Encourage your child to stay in their bed so that they know it is safe. It is better to occasionally stay with your child until s/he falls asleep. Do not do this very often & if your child gets up, walk them back to their bed (each time.)

... Check on your child every 5 to 10 minutes so that you are reassuring your child for more than just crying or calling out.

... During the day, discuss your child's fears and how to be less frightened at night. Feeling secure during the day may help your child feel secure at night.

... Set limits. While you reassure your child, encourage no tears, no crying out so that you avoid reinforcing the behavior.

... Create a reward system to draw attention to when your child is brave & stays in bed.

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