Understanding the Autism Spectrum & Neurodiversity: Thoughts from an Autism Therapist

The Autism Spectrum is often understood and is characterized by stereotypes that suggest that individuals on the spectrum are all the same. However, this isn't true. Each person experiences autism differently and it’s not a single experience. It’s a spectrum! 

This means that everyone on the autism spectrum has a different experience and their symptoms can present differently. It's important to remember that autism is not an illness and it doesn't need to be treated. Instead, it should be accommodated and supported.

This picture shows a colorful, brain puzzle that says the word "Neurodiversity" on it. This represents how Monarch Behavioral Health in San Antonio, TX offers Autism Therapy to clients who are neurodiverse.

What is Neurodiversity?

Neurodiversity is an approach to understanding and supporting individuals who think and learn differently. It recognizes that there is strength in diversity and that people experience the world around them in different ways.

Different is not wrong or bad, it's just different.

For example,  some people with autism might see the world in more literal terms. This means that they can struggle with sarcasm and metaphors. However, they may have great attention to detail which can be an advantage in certain fields. Everyone is different and it's important to remember that there is no one size fits all way to see and experience the world. Remembering that everyone is different is the first step in understanding and supporting neurodiversity.

Why Stereotypes About Autism are Hurtful

Stereotypes about any diagnosis on the autism spectrum are hurtful. It not only creates an inaccurate picture of what autism looks like but can also damage those who live with a diagnosis on the autism spectrum. Stereotypes can make it harder for people on the spectrum when they are constantly being compared to the inaccurate portrayal in the media. Or, when being compared to people not on the spectrum.

This picture shows colorful brains on a black background. This represents how Monarch Behavioral Health provides Autism Therapy in San Antonio, TX.

These harmful stereotypes can sustain inaccurate beliefs about people on the spectrum and lead to discrimination. It can also make it harder for people to want to seek out an accurate diagnosis or support if they feel they need to fit a certain mold. People on the spectrum need support and understanding, not discrimination.

Neurodiversity Should Be Celebrated!

Neurodiversity should be celebrated! Just like any other form of diversity, it should be recognized, appreciated, and supported. It's important to have neurodiversity in society as it can offer different perspectives and advantages. It gives society a chance to learn and grow from people who think differently.

This can be done in many ways. You can start by educating yourself and others about neurodiversity. There are books, articles, blog posts, and websites that can offer accurate information about neurodiversity. This way you can help break down barriers and support neurodiversity in society.

We all have a part to play in supporting neurodiversity. By understanding and celebrating neurodiversity, we can create a more inclusive world that is more accepting of different ways of thinking and being. We can also learn more about ourselves and the world around us. So let's celebrate neurodiversity! 

The Autism Speaks Walk 2022 in San Antonio, TX

This picture shows a child's hands holding a paper doll family. This represents how families can better learn how to support a child with autism through autism therapy in san antonio, tx.

The Autism Speaks Walk is the world's largest fundraising event for autism. Hosting this walk in San Antonio, TX brings together people with autism along with the parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, relatives, and providers. Allowing for networking in a way that is supportive and can create lasting relationships. It also helps foster understanding and acceptance. The funds that are raised will help fund research, screening, and intervention, help transition people with autism into adulthood and maintain our informational services. At Monarch Behavioral Health, we know the importance of screening and intervention awareness, which is why we are proud to be a sponsor of this walk.

Interested in Autism Therapy in San Antonio, TX?

At Monarch Behavioral Health, our autism services focus on neurodiversity. Which is why we do not offer ABA as we believe that it is a way of masking symptoms rather than supporting the individual. Our team recognizes that each individual on the autism spectrum is different and that support should be tailored to teach person. We also know how important working with a counselor that has experience with people on the spectrum is when wanting to start therapy or seeking a diagnosis if you believe you may be neurodiverse.

If you are seeking understanding and support, you can follow these steps:

  1. Contact our therapy office and learn more about our services

  2. Meet with one of our autism therapists

  3. Start neurodiversity-informed therapy in San Antonio, TX or online! For more information, contact us or call 210.384.1254.


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