Avoiding Burnout as a Psychotherapist

When it comes to being a clinician, sometimes the burnout is real. 

It’s important to remember that we too need to be taking care of ourselves, especially after a long week of helping others learn out to best take care of themselves.

Common signs of burnout can include: 

  • Disturbed sleep or eating patterns 

  • Isolation 

  • Finding yourself bored, disinterested or easily irritated by clients 

  • Finding yourself emotionally exhausted or drained after meeting with clients 

  • Zoning out while with clients during a session

  • Symptoms of depression, and anxiety 

You can use the following tactics along with additional self-care protocols to recover from and avoid burnout in the future!

  • Learning to say no

  • Seeking out your own therapy or therapist 

  • Scheduling regular breaks to follow 

  • Knowing your limits and being realistic about them 

  • Talking with friends and family 

Being a clinician can be a wonderful job and while we can be grateful for our position, we can also recognize that as humans, we need taking care of too.

Click here for more information on adult counseling.

For more information, contact us or call 210.384.1254.


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