Be a good sport

Pick the right team. Sports teams help children build self-esteem, encourage activity, and promote team mentality. Every person on the sports team has a role in the team’s success. We can’t push for kids to hard, it may result turning the child away from sports entirely.
Find a healthy balance. Consider how much time your child should play and in how many different sports. The American Academy of Pediatrics discourages specializing in a single sport until late adolescence to avoid injuries. Exposure to a variety of activities may be ideal and can reduce the chances of doing burnout.
Support life lessons. Children playing sports provides an opportunity to learn social skills, teamwork, and respect for others. Sports can teach perseverance, patience, humility, overcoming disappointment, and excepting responsibility.
Be a good role model. Cheer for your child’s team, steer away from mocking the other team, their parents, or the referees. Model positive sportsmanship for your child – they are watching you watch them play. At home or at the dinner table, when it’s just you and your child discuss in the game. Encouragement and support are helpful regardless of the team outcome.

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