Stay Focused

Anyone can struggle with inattention. Most children should be able to stay focused for 2 to 5 minutes multiplied by the year of their age. A child five years of age should be able to stay focused for 10 to 30 minutes. Adults should be able to stay focused for approximately 52 minutes. attention varies throughout the day and is dependent upon the task.

Make attention manageable by breaking tasks down Into smaller steps (first, then…). When you are instructing someone, make eye contact. You may also use the pomodoro method. first create a to do list, then set a timer for 25 minutes; Once the timer goes off, take a break for approximately 5 minutes. Research shows that the most productive people take approximately 20-minute breaks after every 52 minutes of work.

Keep tasks interesting. With children, make a writing activity fun by using dry pasta shells or rocks to create letters. Adults may consider working outside or next to their favorite person.

Exercise your brain with puzzles and creative activities. While on a walk, stop and notice the details around you – focus on your environment instead of the things around you. Meditation is another way to exercise your brain.

Inattention may be a trait of many conditions – anxiety, mood instability, depression, and attention deficit. If you think you have more difficulty than most attending to your tasks and it is affecting your work and home environments, consider consulting with a professional. 210-384-1254

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