Bedtime Routines

Creating healthy sleep habits:
Maintain a regular bedtime and awakening schedule including during weekends and work/school holidays. Staying awake late and trying to catch up on sleep by sleeping more can throw off sleep schedule for several days. .
Get up about the same time every day, regardless of bedtime the night before. .
Establish a regular, relaxing bedtime routine. Relaxing rituals prior to bedtime may include a warm bath or shower, aromatherapy, reading, or listening to soothing music. .
Before bedtime…
Avoid caffeine within six hours of bedtime.
Finish eating at least two to three hours prior to bedtime.
Avoid stimulating activities such as screen time, video games, and physical exercise. .
Sleep in a room that is dark, quiet, comfortable, and cool. Provide a security object for comfort. A weighted blanket may provide sensory feedback which helps calm and improve sleep. .
The ideal time to go to bed is when drowsy, the idea is fall asleep where you actually plan to sleep. With children, moving the child from one space to another teaches them to associate sleep with other places than their bed.
When you check up on your child, the purpose of this check-in is to let your child know you are safe. The briefer and less stimulating, the better.

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