Considering a psychological evaluation?

If you are curious about testing services and how these can benefit a person, call today for a consultation 210-384-1254. I evaluate individuals of all ages to determine diagnostic and treatment recommendations.⠀
First, your intake appointment is scheduled so that we can discuss developmental history, any emotional and/or behavioral difficulties, and current concerns. This appointment is usually 45 minutes to an hour. Following the intake, we will discuss what assessments would be used during the evaluation, what to expect on the day of the evaluation, and estimate the length of the evaluation appointment.⠀
The day of the evaluation, bring snacks, something to drink, and be comfortable. The evaluation is, for the most part, at the pace of the client. This appointment can take two or more hours, depending upon the age of the person assessed and what assessments are used. I ask that parents & caregivers remain in the waiting room (bring a book, Netflix, snacks for you… etc.) while their child is testing.⠀
The feedback session is so important, this is where we will discuss the results of the evaluation and provide an opportunity to ask questions. This appointment is typically scheduled for an hour.⠀

For more information, contact us or call 210.384.1254

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