Better Mental Health in the New Year

An image of new years decor for Monarch Behavioral Health. Contact a San Antonio therapist to learn more about family therapy in San Antonio, TX today! We offer depression therapy in San Antonio, TX and other services. 78258

Every year as the holiday season comes around, the anticipation of the new year arises. A new year brings many feelings: excitement, grief, gratitude, anger. With each year that passes by, we reflect on how we’d like the upcoming one to be different. Or, even how we can be different in the new year. What can we change about ourselves to be more attractive, more outgoing, more involved? This may actually touch on our desire to be better and busier than the year prior, and not exactly healthier.

Anticipating the New Year

As you think about the past year and the one coming up, think about what would make 2022 different for you. Would it be trying to squeeze into a smaller pant size? Or would it be something like a standardized self-care routine? Do you think it's reasonable to set expectations on yourself to change big parts of your lifestyle when you’re struggling to make small changes today?

I don’t bring up these types of new year’s resolutions to shame you for having them today or in the past. Instead, I want to challenge your idea of wellness in the new year. Isn’t wellness what all those new year’s resolutions are getting at anyway?

If you agree, then I have some food for thought for you. What does wellness look like for you? As a therapist, I believe wellness speaks to mental health. And when I think about the new year, I want to consider ways I can stabilize and better my mental health in the new year.

Mental Wellness and Mental Health

I have a couple of tips for you as you create new year’s resolutions for 2022. Being intentional about planning out goals is essential to creating and maintaining success. My first piece of advice is to make small, attainable goals. Often when the new year approaches, we conceptualize one big goal. While this can be motivating, it’s more likely to burn you out and leave you disappointed.

Planning out Mental Health Goals in 2022

A close up of hands writing in a journal. A San Antonio therapist can offer self-car techniques like journaling. Learn more about depression therapy and family therapy in San Antonio, TX today! 78258

This is a time for you to connect with yourself and consider what drains or fills up your cup. Reflect on what could have made 2021 better mentally. Would it be spending more time with loved ones? Or would it be spending more time by yourself to recharge? Did you feel you were energetically stretched thin last year? What would feel better for you next year?

At what points in the year did you feel your best and your worst? What was going on in your environment during those times? If you had control over those things, what would you have changed?

Here are some mental health and wellness goals for 2022. These ideas aim to help you meet the needs you may not be fulfilling right now. We often think about adding more to our plate before we have even finished what we already have. This year, let’s work on first fulfilling the needs that demand our attention. Then, we can move on to those bigger goals.

Examples of Mental Health Goals for 2022

Below you find some examples of goals you can set for yourself in the new year. Some of these are quite small, attainable goals that can be installed every day. On the other hand, some of the goals listed are more internal. So, they may take some recognition of when you need to make a change. Each of these goals aims to help you slow down, identify your needs, and meet those needs in a healthy way.

  • Set aside ten minutes each day to spend outside without distraction.

  • When you feel road rage arising, take three deep breaths.

  • Eat at least one real meal at home every day.

  • If you sense yourself distancing or closing off from a loved one, challenge yourself! It may feel uncomfortable, but discuss it with them instead of avoiding the issue.

  • Do something in public by yourself once a month.

  • Make your bed every day (maybe besides the weekends).

  • Listen to your loved ones in an attentive way when they speak to you. Set an intention to look them in the eyes when they’re speaking so you don’t check your phone or daze off.

  • Spend five minutes of uninterrupted time with your pet every day.

Prioritizing Your Mental Health in the New Year

A journal with a pen lays next to a cup with the text "I'm grateful for..." A therapist for depression and anxiety in San Antonio, TX can offer support with depression therapy in San Antonio, TX and other services. 78258

Think about how realistic your goals are. Whether you’ve already committed to something or you’re browsing this list for ideas, I encourage you to brainstorm tangible, smaller steps to making the goal a reality. In therapy, I have seen the impact of working on smaller goals that lead up to the big ones.

When you set and achieve small goals, you begin to trust yourself more. The process of setting, working toward, and achieving reminds you that you can do hard things. And when you’re able to do lots of small hard things, you can work up to the bigger ones. This is when we can work on those lifestyle shifts that many of us get caught up within the early part of the year. Don’t burn yourself out in 2022. Set yourself up for success by creating goals with your mental health and wellness in mind.

Begin Counseling with a San Antonio Therapist

Achieving even the smallest goals can be easier said than done. Our team can help you set yourself up for success for the new year. We offer services from our San Antonio, TX-based counseling practice and online. To start your therapy journey, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact our therapy office

  2. Meet a caring therapist for a free 15-minute consultation

  3. Start the new year off right! For more information, contact us or call 210.384.1254.


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