Celebrating Diversity

No matter what your culture, or where in the world you and your family are from, it is important to celebrate diversity. This is especially important if you are a parent. It is our responsibility to raise our children to be proud of who they are and instill a healthy attitude of acceptance as well as tolerance for others. When children have a wider world view and understanding of other cultures- they are less likely to develop harmful bias. They are much more likely to build strong, healthy relationships with others!

Here are a few ways you can help raise your child to be sensitive and inclusive of other cultures.

Be open and make an effort to discuss other cultures with your child.

Be honest with yourself about the bias you may carry and actively work to unlearn them.

Be Proud of your culture and explore your own heritage.

What is something cultural significant to you?

Click here for more on LGBTQ counseling services.


What is Inclusion


Becoming a better Ally