Happiness Part 4

Here are three of ten set points & how you can build these into a typical routine:


-       Meditate: Meditating can physically change your brain (wow!) and cause you to be more open to happiness.  Start by building meditative moments in your day.  You do not have to be in a quiet comfy spot to do this – wherever you are, take notice of your surroundings with each of your five senses and slow your breathing.  Use this technique to calm your mind and body.  When you become aware that you are feeling tense or a fight-or-flight response, take some slow deep breaths and trigger the opposite – rest response by concentrating on your breathing and your five senses.

-       Self-Compassion:   People are self-compassionate tend to have greater happiness.  Be gentle with yourself! Notice the tone you use with yourself, speak to yourself as you would to someone else.  Develop a self-compassion phrase – “may I be kind to myself in this moment.”

-       Nature: Being outside has a significant effect on our brains.  Just 20 minutes a day outside can boost well-being.  Even a walk can help – within the first 5 minutes of any physical activity, there is a shift in mood and outlook.


Check out this weeks posts to see why these matter & how to develop them!

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For more information, contact us or call 210.384.1254.


Happiness Part 5


Happiness Part 3