Finding an LGBTQ+ Affirming Counselor in Texas

It's already challenging to find a therapist. But it can be especially difficult when you're looking for a therapist as an LGBTQ+ person. Even more so in a more conservative state like Texas.

You may be worried about whether or not the therapist you are seeing is an ally, much less knowledgeable about LGBTQ+ issues. Because even though all therapists should be, unfortunately not all of them are. It's a valid fear. With the current debates and legislature in Texas, it's hard to feel like there is any support as an LGBTQ+ person.

And when you do find a therapist that is an ally, you want to make sure that they are experienced and educated as well. You shouldn't have to educate your therapist on your identity, and it shouldn't feel like you are the first LGBTQ+ person they've worked with before.

Because of all of these questions and concerns, it can be hard to find an LGBTQ+ therapist that's the best fit for you. In this blog, we are here to give you our advice on finding the right therapist and more information on our LGBTQ+ counseling services.

Step 1) Give Yourself Some Credit!

Photo of an LGBTQ+ person waving a pride flag. This photo represents how lgbtq counseling in San Antonio, TX can help you explore and affirm your identity.

This may seem a bit silly, but bare with me. It can be really nerve wracking at first to reach out for help. Depending on your life experiences and your personal journey, it might feel scary to talk openly about your identity. While some people think that in 2022 LGBTQ+ people no longer face prejudice, that is unfortunately not the case.

Most LGBTQ+ teens and adults are well aware of the ignorance and bigotry that still exists in the world. Even if you haven't had a firsthand experience with it, it can still feel like a looming threat.

So, before you start your search for an LGBTQ+ therapist, take a moment to give yourself some credit! Even though it may feel scary, you are taking the steps to support your mental health. And that alone is worth celebrating!

Step 2) Finding a Therapist That is More Than Just an Ally

Reach Out to Friends or Other LGBTQ+ Community Members

Now onto the next step, actually finding a therapist! One way to find a therapist that is reputable in the LGBTQ+ community is to ask around. You can reach out to friends or community members to see if they've worked with a therapist that they felt comfortable with and supported by.

However, if you're reading this blog post you may have already tried that without much luck. Or maybe, you don't want to see the same counselor as your friends have. That's completely valid!

Search Online for LGBTQ+ Affirming Therapists

So, the next recommendation we have is searching online. Look for therapists that specifically state their LGBTQ+ affirming counseling services on their website. Or, look for therapists that mention that they are an ally elsewhere on their website. This isn't to say that they won't be an ally if they don't specifically state it. However, if it's on their website it shows that they care about making it easy for clients to identify them as an ally.

Finding an LGBTQ+ Affirming Therapist That is Educated

Photo of an LGBTQ+ individual using their phone representing the way you can find great LGBTQ counseling in San Antonio, Texas by searching online

As I mentioned, being an ally should be a minimum requirement. You really want to find a therapist that is educated and experienced too. This isn't always easy to assess since there is a lot of nuance that goes into it, but we have a few suggestions. 

We recommend looking through their website to read more about their perspective on LGBTQ+ affirming counseling. Do they seem to understand the challenges that LGBTQ+ people face? Is the language on their website inclusive or does it feel outdated? If you can't easily find the answers on their website you can reach out to them to inquire about this, which brings us to the next step!

Step 3) Reaching Out to an LGBTQ+ Affirming Counselor

When you find a therapist that you're considering seeing, you are welcome to ask them questions to make sure they are the right fit first! You can ask them if they consider themselves an ally, and if so, if they are experienced and educated as well.

If you're not sure what to ask, here are a couple of questions we recommend:

  • Have you worked with LGBTQ+ clients before? You may want to ask them if they've specifically worked with nonbinary or transgender clients depending on what you are looking for.

  • Are you educated on LGBTQ+ mental health concerns or challenges?

  • You can also inquire about what type of education or experience they have in this area as well. They may have participated in trainings for example.

And of course, ask anything else that feels relevant to you! It's really important to find a therapist that is the right fit. If they are truly an ally, they should welcome these questions and be happy to answer them. If you are nervous about asking these questions over the phone, you can also send an email instead to start the conversation.

Work With an LGBTQ+ Affirming Counselor in San Antonio, Texas

At Monarch Behavioral Health, we are committed to providing a safe and empowering space for LGBTQ+ folks of all ages. We offer comprehensive LGBTQ+ counseling services, backed by years of experience and education. Whether you're questioning your sexuality or gender identity, healing from the experiences you may have faced, or simply looking for someone who understands, we have counselors who are ready to support you.

In Person and Online Counseling Services

Photo of a person sitting on a couch using a laptop. This photo represents how you can start online lgbtq therapy from anywhere in Texas.

Our counselors are proud to offer these services in a safe and inclusive environment.  We offer in person counseling in San Antonio, Texas however you don't have to live in or near San Antonio to work with one of our counselors. Through online counseling,  you can meet with a caring and experienced therapist from anywhere in Texas. 

How to Get Started

We understand that it's not always easy to take the first step and reach out, which is why we want to make the process as easy as possible. If you want to get set up with a therapist on our team, or if you have questions about our services, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Fill out our contact form and feel welcome to ask any questions you may have!

  2. Meet with one of our LGBTQ+ affirming counselors in person or online.

  3. Start working towards the goals you want to achieve in therapy and feel supported in your identity along the way.  For more information, contact us or call 210.384.1254.

We are  committed to helping you grow and heal, no matter where you are in your journey.

Other Mental Health Services Offered at Monarch Behavioral Health

You aren't just an LGBTQ+ person, you are so much more. Maybe you are a college student, a parent, or an aspiring teacher. We also know that you may be experiencing challenges in your life unrelated to your identity or experiences as an LGBTQ+ person.




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