Managing Tantrums

Sometimes our children’s big responses can catch us at a bad time. Even so, they look to us for guidance. It’s important to remember that in moments like these, they are still learning how to nativage the world, and their emotions. Here are some steps to help your little one learn to manage their emotions and how you can show your support.

1)Kids can get lost in how overwhelmed they are by a situation. They aren’t able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Try and remember what that feels like, and what you needed when you felt that way.

2) Let them try to self regulate instead of trying to calm them. Do not try to discipline, lecture, or discuss anything in the moment. They cannot learn when they are overwhelmed.

3) Speaking softly will help your child match your tone and level or urgency because they want to engage with you.

4) Redos can be a really powerful tool. Redos gives a child the opportunity to practice the correct behavior while also ending the encounter on a positive note.

5) Affirm the correct behavior and be sure to connect with them in a way that makes them feel loved.

What is the hardest part about managing tantrums for you? Tell us in the comments below! #tantrums #parentsoftoddlers #highfuctioningdepression

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