What To Avoid When Your Toddler Throws A Tantrum

The truth is, sometimes we aren’t in the right place to deal with a child’s big emotional response (aka tantrum), no one is perfect. 

We have all said or done something we have later regretted during a child’s tantrum. Learning from these experiences is what matters most.  Here are five actions we can avoid. 

  1. Raising our voices

  2. Walking Away 

  3. Negotiating or Bribing

  4. Reasoning With Them 

  5. Taking it Personally .. which can affect your response. 

If you are a parent who is struggling to manage your child’s big emotional responses, you are not alone.

For more information, contact us or call 210.384.1254.

Click here for more information on Child Therapy.


How to Cope With Changes In Friendship


Managing Tantrums