Start the day strong

Strengthen someone today by filling their emotional cup. Imagine everyone has a cup that needs to be filled – with love, affection, attention, and security. Some people easily receive refills, have a full cup most of the time, and some people become overwhelmed or unable to handle challenges when their cup is almost empty.

Some ways people cope with having a nearly empty or empty cup:
Steal from someone else’s cup
Act out to receive attention
Appear to need frequent reassurance
Refuse ‘refills’
Think they have to fight or compete for refills.

What empties a cup –
Your roles (parent, friend, job, student)
Stress and strain
Rejection from others
Lack of achievement
Obligations (have to and need to do)

What fills a cup –
Love and affection
One-on-one time
Thoughtful acts
Doing what they love to do or what they choose to do

Will you fill someone’s emotional cup today? What fills your emotional cup?

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