What to do during this down time..

We are working together to bring ideas for you and your family during this down time. Creating a routine is helpful and important. Ask your child’s teacher for “homework.” We have last years summer workbooks that I’m breaking out to practice math at home.
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we can use this time to engage within the family environment. .
Here are links to some of the larger and more iconic museum collections available:

MoMA - New York
Van Gough Museum - Amsterdam
Uffisi Gallery - Florence
Musee D’Orsay - Paris
The Met - New York
Tate Britain - London
Georgia O’Keeffe Museum - Santa Fe
Scottish National Galery - Edinburgh
British Museum - London

For more information, contact us or call 210.384.1254

For more content, follow my instagram at https://www.instagram.com/amandansharp.phd/ 

Click here for more information on parenting counseling.


You are not alone.


How to recognize common homework mistakes in children 5-6 yrs of age⠀