How to recognize common homework mistakes in children 5-6 yrs of age⠀

how to recognize common homework mistakes in children 5-6 yrs of age⠀
3's & E's, b's, d's, 2's, 5's, & backwards S's... trouble discriminating between numbers & letters that look similarly is common. Ask your child what was written & then offer to show how grown ups write it.⠀
overgeneralizing - a common grammar mistake - adding "-ed" and "es" to the end of words. "mouses," "playeded," "haded" the best response is to model the correct pronounciation. If your child says, "she haded the same toy." Say, "she had the same toy?"⠀
"best guess spelling" or phonetic spelling helps your child express themselves without technicalities. Encourage attempts of independent spelling, and if you cannot decipher what is written, ask them to read it to you. If you are asked if the word is correctly spelled, without criticism, say, "this word has letters we cannot hear, may I show you?"⠀
"toof" for tooth, "dare" for there . . .⠀
model correct articulation when you hear the error by repeating the word in your own sentence.⠀
Most learning disorder are not diagnosed until age 7. If by 2nd and 3rd grade your child is experiencing some of the challenges mentioned above, testing may be helpful to identify any learning deficits. Testing may include one-on-one activities such as answering questions, completing puzzles, drawings, and stories as well as some tasks such as reading, writing and math. ⠀

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