What to Do If Your Child’s School Recommends Psychological Testing

“We feel your child would benefit from psychological testing.”

A close up of a student writing at their desk. This could represent psychological testing in San Antonio, TX. Learn more about autism testing and other services by contacting a child therapist in San Antonio, TX today! 78258

As a parent, hearing your child is struggling in school is hard to hear. You may have known something was off, or this news caught you off guard. Regardless, facing the fact your child is developing differently from their peers is painful. After all, you only want the best for them in life.

I understand that the idea of psychological testing for your child makes you anxious. You don’t know what to expect. But the truth is, psychological testing is not as intimidating as it sounds. I specialize in offering testing services to children, teens, and adults. So, I can assure you that the benefits of knowing what’s going on with your child are many. Today, I want to share what you need to do when your child’s school recommends psychological testing.

First things first, please don’t panic

I know this is much easier said than done. When you hear that your child is struggling, it’s natural for your mind to go to the worst-case scenario. As a parent, you are bound to worry over it.

But here’s the thing, when you’re anxious you’re unable to think in a clear way. This means you may miss key details necessary to make the proper decisions for your child and family. Furthermore, if you’re anxious, your child will pick up on that and feel anxious as well.

So, do everyone a favor and take a deep breath. Remember that these tests are the best way to understand what’s going on with your child. This, in turn, allows you to get them the services they need to be successful.

Gather information and keep it organized

If it’s recommended that you get psychological testing for your child, you must listen and gather information. Contact your child’s teachers, counselors, and other professionals before teaching.

A person writes in a notebook at a work desk. This could symbolize the info parents can gain from psychological testing in San Antonio, TX about their child. Contact a child therapist in San Antonio, TX to learn more about psychological testing today

Ask the professionals what they are seeing that’s leading them to recommend testing. Then, ask for specific examples. Additionally, ask them what they think you can gain by getting your child tested. In short, ask them what the end game is.

Remember, listening to these professionals doesn’t mean you agree with them. You’re only gathering the facts to get a second opinion.

As you’re gathering information, make sure you’re keeping it organized. The best way to do this is to record the conversation, take notes, or ask for an email follow-up.

Work with someone who specializes in psychological testing for children

As a parent, you want what’s best for your child. Take this mindset into finding a therapist to administer psychological testing.

Some key things you should look for include:

  • The individual performing the tests has a PhD

  • The psychologist has advanced training and experience administering tests to children and teens

  • You feel comfortable in the clinic where the tests are being offered

  • You feel comfortable with the psychologist offering the tests

  • This individual and clinic are knowledgeable about the policies and offerings in your school district or school system. They are also willing to work with them to make accommodations for your child.

A therapist smiles as they extend a hand in support. A child therapist in San Antonio, TX can offer support with psychological testing in San Antonio, TX. Learn more about autism testing in San Antonio, TX and other services today! 78258

If you’re looking for psychological testing and live in Texas, I hope you will consider Monarch Behavioral Health. We would be honored to provide psychological testing services. We offer a variety of psychological tests for people of all ages. at our San Antonio counseling clinic and online.

Get Psychological Testing in San Antonio, TX

You want the best for your child. Our team understands the stress that comes from hearing recommendations for your child from their school. We offer support from our San Antonio, TX-based counseling practice and online. To start your therapy journey, please follow these simple steps:

1. Contact our therapy office

2. Meet a caring therapist for a free 15-minute consultation

3. Start psychological testing, for more information, contact us or call 210.384.1254.


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