International Day of Happiness

It’s International Day of Happiness!

This day is celebrated globally each year on the 20th of March. The purpose of this campaign is to recognize happiness as a fundamental human goal. In addition, it was to create a more inclusive, equitable and balanced  approach to economic growth that promotes happiness for the well-being of all people. 

Created by the Un General Assembly in 2013, the International Day of Happiness approached the campaign a little bit differently each year. In 2014, they asked that people share authentic images of what makes them happy. In 2015, they focused more on relationships.

This year the focus appears to be on coping with the global crisis that is COVID-19 - together.  Keeping their sentiment “ Keep Calm, Stay Wise, Be Kind” at the forefront of our minds can be a helpful reminder that we are all in this together!

It’s important to try and fit things that make us happy into our everyday lives.

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