Limit Setting with your child

Express your empathy and be open about your struggles and mistakes. Say, “I remember feeling that way.“ .. Avoid power struggles. Allow your teen to face the natural consequences of their choices. Be there for them and be supportive, but allow them to learn that they are resilient and capable. .. Know that pushing the boundaries is normal. You have to provide security and safety and model that you can set firm limits and boundaries. Your ability to be consistent earns you respect. .. Teens know how to test you and how to push the limits. Keep in mind the life lessons you want your teen to learn. .. Try not to take it personally when your teen wants to have independence or questions your authority. Remember to respond rather than to react. .. If your teen does not feel that you respect them, they will model your behavior right back and it likely will not be pretty. However, if they feel that they are being respected even when you disagree, they are also likely to model the same level of respect in their interactions with you. .. Your child needs to know you love them unconditionally and that you are on their team no matter what. So try to always let them know that you support and love them even when you are disappointed or frustrated. .. Instead of taking things away, give them incentives and teach them that you don’t always get everything you want handed to you. Put it on them and remember to deliver on your end. No changing the rules last minute or you will lose their trust. .. If you are getting too frustrated, walk away. Journal. Relax. Take a break. This models good emotional regulation. .. Your child needs their own space and privacy. Be proactive and establish rules in advance. It is better to have a child that feels safe enough to tell you when they have messed up versus a child that is so afraid to mess up that they keep potential safety issues a secret.

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