Teaching Kids About Self-Care

Teaching kids about self-care is sometimes easier than practicing it yourself! One of the most important things you can do when teaching your children about self-care is to be a role model.  Children pick up on everything and self-care is no exception. 

You can start by asking your child “ What kinds of things can you do that make you feel happy?” If they aren’t sure, you can provide some suggestions like swinging on the swings or doing arts and crafts.

Remind yourself that everyone recharges in different ways. Recharging doesn’t always mean being alone or being still. If your child is more of a social butterfly- they might recharge by being around others, laughing and playing. 

Identifying these strategies early on and teaching them how to use those self-care skills on their own is giving them one of the greatest gifts there are.

Click here for more information on child therapy.


Self- Care for Kids


Self- Care for Parents