Adult Counseling Amanda Sharp Adult Counseling Amanda Sharp

Self- Care

Self-care is a lot simpler than it’s made out to be, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t take a little effort. In reality, it all boils down to taking care of yourself in the most important ways and oftentimes that means giving yourself a BREAK!

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Amanda Sharp Amanda Sharp

National Hugging Day

Did you know that hugs can have incredible mental health benefits? The benefits of hugging go beyond the nice sensation you receive when you hold someone in your arms!

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Adult Counseling Amanda Sharp Adult Counseling Amanda Sharp

Changing Habits

Habit changing can be extremely difficult. The human brain craves comfort and safety, and while it is important to have those things in our lives, that craving can stop us from making healthy choices for ourselves.

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Child Therapy Amanda Sharp Child Therapy Amanda Sharp

What is Sand Tray Play Therapy?

Sand tray play therapy is a type of expressive therapy. It uses sand in a tray along with miniatures to allow the user to create their own microcosm. A microcosm is a term used to describe the little world that’s created by an individual.

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Adult Counseling Amanda Sharp Adult Counseling Amanda Sharp


Because it requires a person to interrupt a present habit while simultaneously developing a new and possibly unknown set of actions, this type of behavior transformation can be difficult and complex.

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